Seeking First the Kingdom: Using Faith to Guide Leadership

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
— Matthew 6:33

Aligning Leadership with Faith

As leaders, we face numerous challenges. The pressure to perform, hit targets, and stay ahead can sometimes push us to lose sight of our core values. Faith offers a solid foundation, reminding us to be compassionate, ethical, and purpose-driven in all we do. But the question is, how do we lead with faith authentically in a world driven by competition and personal ambition?

For me, using faith to guide leadership has been transformative. It’s allowed me to be more compassionate, to understand my team’s challenges on a deeper level, and to approach leadership not just as a role, but as a calling.

From Success in HR to Fulfillment in Mental Health

I spent over 18 years in the hospitality industry, excelling as a Human Resources professional. I had worked hard, earning promotions and salary increases, but despite these achievements, I felt unfulfilled. This feeling of emptiness led me to a moment of deep reflection: was I working for God's purpose or my own?

This internal conflict led me to pivot into mental health, not because Human Resources as a profession wasn’t fulfilling, but because the specific organizational culture I was a part of didn’t align with my values. HR can be an incredibly meaningful and rewarding career, but I realized the culture where I worked wasn’t for me. I longed for an environment where faith and leadership could coexist authentically.

Faith vs. Workplace Culture: Finding Alignment

There are times when your workplace culture will clash with your faith. It’s in these moments that seeking support and guidance from other professionals who share your faith becomes essential. For me, prayer and leaning on a community of faith-minded individuals helped me navigate those tough times. I realized that faith isn’t something you turn on or off; it’s integral to who I am, even in a professional setting.

I’m grateful for my experience in hospitality and HR because I learned skills that have helped me in my new role as a mental health professional. However, I now know that this is where God has called me to make an impact in a way that aligns with my faith and values.

Learning and Growing Through My Journey

The path to fulfillment wasn’t immediate, but every step taught me something valuable. From HR, I learned the importance of leadership, conflict resolution, and fostering a supportive work environment. These skills seamlessly transferred to my role in mental health, where I help others find their path to well-being and balance.

Practical Applications of Faith in the Workplace

As I continue to reflect on my journey, I aim to inspire leaders to align with their faith authentically in the workplace. It’s not about being preachy or alienating those who don’t share your beliefs. It’s about staying true to who you are and using your values to guide your decisions. Faith can show up in your leadership through how you treat others, the grace you extend in difficult situations, and the integrity with which you lead.

About the Author

Erica Krider, MA, is a dedicated mental health professional and the Founder & CEO of Human Freely® LLC. With a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from South University, West Palm Beach, FL, Erica is on her way to becoming a fully licensed counselor in Florida. She is also a Board Member for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ( Passionate about faith, family, and fostering resilience, she empowers communities with hope and healing. Erica also hosts the popular podcast, Mental Health Insight with Erica Krider, where she shares valuable mental health resources and insights. Explore more about her work and find helpful resources at

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